Monday, August 24, 2009


Follow up message

i had a grandson cute and gay
he was waiting for the month of may
when the harmonies of life unveil
sun overhead ,winds in open sail

when bliss from all angles converge
unhappiness is but a distant urge
when the straight with their partners revel
the doubtful, their doubts dispel

last may,close to my birthday
what day it was, i cannot say
but as on the hammock, reclining i lay,
he walked around, "talk to you i may" ?

why why my child, please come along
wanna hear a story, or a broken song?
or maybe have black tea,sugar some?
not a good time this, for gin or rum

no granpa, i come to confess
my life till now, has been a mess
for the female sex,it doesn't seem right
my instinct differs, with all their might

for this instinct longs for the male embrace
not the pretty girls at the end of the race
but the pretty boys in the racing cars
or sexy astronauts in crafts to mars

so here it is once and for all
i'm gay, i'm gay, i'm gay!!!!
at this, with hand on his muddy shawl
i closed my eyes, god let me pray!

for my son, u're not the only one
who has this male intention undone
for u're granpa, much like u
is gay , is gay,is gay!!!!

my birthday, grandson,u have just made
like me, u call a spade a spade
and my legacy u shall extend
no need to hide, or pretend!

that was the happiest i'd ever been
such sexiness i had never seen
as my little boy did show that day
when he's finally said that he was gay...

1 comment:

  1. Straight from the heart content, fluid style, the presence of the perfect word to describe something in every sentence; makes for a simply awesome read. A big thumbs up from the guy who gave you the nick "MOD".Eagerly awaiting your next post. :)
