Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Concentration Curve

You cycle towards the examination hall, not late, but not early either, and you feel the cool wind on your face, and the winter sun on your back. You notice the black long tailed bird in the tree tops (wonder what it's called), the dog sleeping by the drain (while another one tries to hump it), you notice the electric wires and the knots they make, and the Australia shaped cloud in the horizon. And that's because you are not concentrating. You've let yourself go, and your brain is in it's default disengaged state. Each time you glance at your watch, it reminds you that you have an exam awaiting you, but then the main building gate catches your eye, and wonder why they open the way they do, and not open the opposite way...

You reach the examination hall, and a little juice from the adrenal glands is pumped into your body. Your senses spike as you collect the paper, there is that excitement of anticipation. It's interesting how fragile the adrenaline balance is - too much of it and you go blank and freeze, too little, and there is no motivation or intensity. But the perfect amount can put you in the "zone", heighten your senses, make you feel as alive as can be. Near the start though, you have too little of it, the paper seems uninteresting. You gaze out of the window. You look at the misty tree tops, and a waft of sweet aroma tickles your nose. A song bird chirrups in the distance. Oh yeah, the paper. You glance at the watch. The wrist watch - that amazing contraption. It's almost like a crystal ball, which binds the present in it's faint tick-tick. Looking into which snaps you back to reality. 10 minutes past already. Some more adrenaline rushes through. Now you're ready to get to work.

You rush through the initial questions with utter and total focus, your world restricted to the A4 size of the question paper. Any signs of lurking fatigue or boredom get obscured, and the body curls around the wooden desk, the head inclined as the hand scribbles away. The limits of the human body are nowhere near where they pretend to be. You haven't slept in two days and had a throbbing headache. But for that moment, the physical world dissolves into the background, it's just you and that sheet.

And then the guy on your left coughs. That cough which breaks your chain of thought. Or maybe it's the invigilator who does the honors - " I card please?". He has an apologetic look on his face. You suppress your irritation, and feel a little sorry for the guy. Stand all day in examination halls, asking for I cards and trying to weed out cheaters. Not better than a constable's job, without the pay. You rummage through the many stapled pages, and find your name. You sign next to it. The invigilator hastens to collect the sheet from you, and shuffles off. Poor guy.

You look at your watch. Snap. An hour to go, more than an hour's work left. You take a sip of water, take a look around. Your gaze wanders unconsciously to all the pretty girls seated in your range of vision. You muse about how effective your"pretty girl" filter has become - you could probably spot them while hanging upside down in the middle of a fish market. the You notice one to your left. That explains the sweet aroma. She has pretty hair too. "Look into your own paper!" someone shouts from the back. He's shouting at someone else, but he has a point. You take another sip. That's another ten minutes gone.

The adrenaline kicks in again, thank god for that. You rush through the remainder of the questions, without looking up again. Fifteen minutes to the end, and there's one question left. You've solved a similar question the day before, this shouldn't take much time. And then you make that dull mechanical table that every last question inevitably has , and while you do it, you think about what you'll do after the exam. Take a hike, finish that book, watch that movie you never had the time to watch. Then you look up, massage your strained neck. The invigilators seem to be getting restless, like predators gearing up for the kill. They repeatedly tell you how much time is left, and whisper things to each other, strategizing the best method to round up the prey. "Two minutes left !!". Oh damn.

You realize that you made a mistake in the table, and your answer is absurd. So much for "mechanical". You scramble to fix the error, the adrenaline kicking in in earnest. You find it just as the invigilators move in, fangs bared and claws out. You arrive at the answer in that final burst of calculation, just as the once polite and harmless invigilator rushes towards you, a man possessed. You turn in the paper before he does you any bodily harm, and try to get away from the guy. No need for that - he runs off in another direction, thirsty for answer scripts - I wonder if they have some way of turning the answer sheets into equivalent amounts of gold, judging by their desperation to grab a few. Or maybe there is a thriving black market for answer sheets, people probably buy them and use the cheap paper to light fires.

You alight off your perch, scratch your head. Now that was pretty good. Somehow extended periods in the "zone" always fill you with a faint euphoria, an irrational contentment. You walk out of the examination hall, and notice people milling around in the gallery. "What was that? No i didn't get that answer, you screwed up!" your friend smugly tells you. You think about how you could have made the mistake. It was the pretty girls, it's always the pretty girls. And the open window. And that invigilator. The exam room was also not a good one, the seats were low , the desk was too high. You had a headache too, and you hadn't slept the night before. Your pen was not the one you preferred, it was that cheap ballpoint disposable. You look at your watch. Snap. Oh, hell with it. Let's get to that movie.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Word Void

It's strange , but this is one of those times that i'm lost for words. I'm often lost for words, sometimes without reason, and this is one of those times. So here's some structureless mumbo jumbo - me wanting to find out what comes out when there exists that peculiar void of words within my being. It is quite paradoxical for me to be able to describe a period of wordless existence using the crutch of language- with words as a medium, considering that they have supposedly abandoned me presently. It's like that guy who wanted to document how getting wasted felt, but then he couldn't think straight enough to write while he was wasted , and couldn't remember enough the next morning. It's pretty similar, this situation , of using words to describe wordlessness.

There are many ways of thinking things out, words being one of them. The most vivid and powerful of these "thinking in your head" tools is visualization. So we have language, visualization, and.. hmm..i'll let u know when i come across anymore. Language is curious in it's subtlety as a thinking tool - it's often indispensable, without letting one realize the fact. To get a grasp on how remarkably powerful language can be, compare a language-less civilization with ours. How language can organize thought is incredible ; because the organization is so robust (excuse the control systems hangover) it allows one to build layer upon layer of logical and mathematical constructs, allowing us beetle brains to explore situations and relations of an almost infinitely complex nature. I often wonder whether the inability to comprehend and utilize language is one of the reasons that animals are so inept compared to humans in cerebric processes - because after all, a single layer of thinking is basically observe and respond, or follow your instinct, which is sub optimum utilization of whatever little mental faculty non homo sapiens have.

So much for wordless void. I still sense the void within me, the only difference being that it's been initialized with junk now. Need to clear my registers before I can make some sense of them . That means a good night's sleep. Or maybe some adrenaline. Where do they let you sleep while u're falling from the sky? Oh yes, that was in my dreams. Maybe i'll get the same dream again. Then i'll have adrenaline and sleep, inside of sleep. Interesting. Can i have adrenaline and sleep inside of adrenaline? Oh man, i've stopped making sense. Maybe i should get some sleep. Or maybe some adrenaline....

The Highest Point - Part II- The Centre.

The bees have this way of bumping off you to get a measure of your physical presence. I can't stand it when they do that. It's like a person trying to judge you on the first look. At least in the case of a person, you can be certain (in most cases) that he's not going to uncover his rear on the spur of the moment and jab you with his ass. Bees like to do that. And it hurts.

I stumble across the edge on my knees, taking baby steps towards the center. It's dark already, and I can hear the incessant murmur of people voices at a distance, far below me. Or is it the bees buzzing? I don't really think i care right now. My hand slips as some of the flaky paint falls off. I hang on with my other hand, swallowing my heart back into my chest. God, it feels good to be on the edge. And i'm not even standing up yet.

Moving towards the center, groping over the many layers of slippery paint, i try to maintain three points on contact at all times. That bit of technique usually works, but with the top layer having a mind of its own, i might as well as be delivered directly to the heavens, instead of going down first. I've always believed that this fictional God of ours has an inclination towards optimized solutions. If he's going to be fictional , might as well as make him smart. Can't wait to die and prove all the theists wrong. To hell with God and bees. Where was i in the narrative? Have i died yet?

My trembling hand (i really don't know why i'm trembling, but it's a good feeling) reaches into the cavity at the center of the tank , and I take a minute to compose myself. I'm at the center of the dome. The wind has picked up all of a sudden, as if to convey its displeasure at my audacity. Hey, guess what, no bees at the center. Looks like even they've lost interest. Or maybe they're just bored. I'd be bored if i were a bee. Fly....buzzz....look for predator...no predator....look for predator...no predator.....kiss up to the queen......no predator...wait ,predator!...show him my ass and die. Wait, that dying part is not half bad. But i could give the rest a pass.

My hearts beating a little slower now, and i can see all the water tanks everywhere in kgp. There are 4 of them. I'm on the tallest one. I spread my knees evenly about the peak of the dome, and like a toddler trying to walk, i rise up in all my glory. My knees are a little shaky, but not too much. I balance myself as if standing atop a pole. The back creaks , the hands spread out, and the air really hits you in the face. Wow, i'm standing on the top of the world. Isn't that phrase reserved for Everest conquerors? I don't think somebody on top of the Everest would care about accurate phrasing. Neither do I.

I like this game, it has that fatal fun element. Very rare that one gets to play something like that. I'm in a constant tussle with the gale, trying to stay on my feet. The wind knows that I die as soon as it wins. So do I. Poor thing, it hates to lose, the wind. It destroys cities when it's angry, and decimates civilizations. But on this day, it lets me win, lets me live. I owe it one.

I get back on my knees again. The epinephrine tickles me as i lower myself, or is it the altitude? Time to go back. Something bumps against my face. Bite me already if you have to, darn it ! Damned bees. My fictional God like to tease me with his little toys. I start moving back. Some more plaster falls into the endless expanse below.

The Highest Point - Part 1

The top is a good place to look at things from. You can get a expansive view, without having to strain your neck. You are almost flying, and the filthy ground, an unpleasant shade of brown, is far far away. You are also under the constant peril of falling to your death, besides the danger of being stung to death by bees. To be fair to the bees though, you getting stung is a greater problem for them than it is for you, considering that the worker bee dies after losing it's sting. So you can only pray that the bee is smart enough to cover it's ass (literally and figuratively) and stay away from you. But at 80 feet in the air, you are more concerned about that itch on your sole than you are about flying arthropods; i would prefer anaphylactic shock over fall from 80 feet any day. Bring it on.

Bees? How did they enter the discussion? Bees enter whatever they want, whenever they want, so i'm not delving into that question anymore. Yeah, the top, back on track. So the top is also round and charred black under the intense heat of that diabolical Bengal sun. The sun gives life, but it gets a little annoying when the energy starts overwhelming one; everybody likes crackers, but then bombs aren't that much fun ,are they? The limestone is tanned and is peeling off, and the center of the dome looks tempting,as I look on clinging to the edge. I deliberately look down past my feet again, past the ladder rails, down to the inviting earth many feet underneath me, just for the epinephrine rush. I get that elusive hormone running, and a little shudder passes up my spine out through my hands. The last ladder was the longest one, and it hangs threateningly at an acute angle between the last platform and the top. The only thing that you can see looking down is the thin air. A couple of birds perched on the edge chirp in a barbed taunt. I plant my feet on the top. The ladder is out of my thoughts for the moment. We'll deal with it on the way down. Oh darn, not the bees again.


It was May again next year
the winds were full and the sky was clear
the caterpillars were sprouting wings
children chirping on squeaky swings

my grandson, piece of my withered heart
was more of me than I’d once thought
like me, his inclinations lay apart
had so it been since the start?

granpa! I want to talk again
it’s been an year since I’ve come clean
dated Mark , not Jenny or Jane
as happy as I have ever been

but yesterday , as in class I lay
still so happy to be gay,
I witnessed something so surreal
a feeling that I’d never feel

the door parted, and a whiff of scent
floated over the filthy ground
as if for my nostrils meant
the aroma pulled my head around

there in the distance stood
an angel , wasn’t it understood?
that my heart was no more mine
captured by that thing divine

but wasn’t she- well, “she” ?
do u agree, or is it just me?
that the female form, in its purest being
can only be some god’s doing?

males and muscles are all so well,
but my heart with that angel lies,
no longer confused, can I dwell
on whether it’s sin to murder flies

with this, he turned around and left
walking with protruding chest
and I noticed that in the corner lay
his pink bow tie , my gift from last may.


Monday, August 24, 2009


Follow up message

i had a grandson cute and gay
he was waiting for the month of may
when the harmonies of life unveil
sun overhead ,winds in open sail

when bliss from all angles converge
unhappiness is but a distant urge
when the straight with their partners revel
the doubtful, their doubts dispel

last may,close to my birthday
what day it was, i cannot say
but as on the hammock, reclining i lay,
he walked around, "talk to you i may" ?

why why my child, please come along
wanna hear a story, or a broken song?
or maybe have black tea,sugar some?
not a good time this, for gin or rum

no granpa, i come to confess
my life till now, has been a mess
for the female sex,it doesn't seem right
my instinct differs, with all their might

for this instinct longs for the male embrace
not the pretty girls at the end of the race
but the pretty boys in the racing cars
or sexy astronauts in crafts to mars

so here it is once and for all
i'm gay, i'm gay, i'm gay!!!!
at this, with hand on his muddy shawl
i closed my eyes, god let me pray!

for my son, u're not the only one
who has this male intention undone
for u're granpa, much like u
is gay , is gay,is gay!!!!

my birthday, grandson,u have just made
like me, u call a spade a spade
and my legacy u shall extend
no need to hide, or pretend!

that was the happiest i'd ever been
such sexiness i had never seen
as my little boy did show that day
when he's finally said that he was gay...