Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Chemical Lab

I saw
the chemist
through the window
of the chemical lab

bent intently
mixing concoctions
in vials

he leaned  back a moment later
and sucked in Chemical X
letting it mix
with chemical Y
which he had procured during lunch
an hour ago

some catalysts
were subsequently added
not too much
not too little
in just the perfect proportion
so that the reaction
could go
to completion

the byproducts
were carried away
by a river of liquid
it would be filtered, to the last molecule
further downstream
in chemical filters

the heat produced
warmed his body -
he drew another breath
and life went on

I looked again
and I saw
a chemical lab
through the window
of the chemical lab


  1. :)

    Reminds me of:

    मैं मदिरालय के अंदर हूँ, मेरे हाथों में प्याला,
    प्याले में मदिरालय बिंिबत करनेवाली है हाला,
    इस उधेड़-बुन में ही मेरा सारा जीवन बीत गया -
    मैं मधुशाला के अंदर या मेरे अंदर मधुशाला!।११९।
