Monday, November 8, 2010

The Eiffel Tower

Had the eiffel tower come to life
one morning
it would have seen tiny humans,
toiling under the midday sun
like ants in a  colony
organised to the last detail

Walking in lines, on the footpaths
or driving in cars along the roads
true to their roles - workers , soldiers
laboring for the queen
slogging for the colony

they would all look the same
from high above
round heads on broad shoulders
with legs jutting out  in quick succession
like the gears
of a well oiled machine

the stream of humanity
would of course,
be perturbed by the tower
look up , point,
the tower would get a glimpse of their faces
and look at  them flee, with mild amusement
and note that they were indeed human

the tower would then enter the river
and see the colorful fish
swimming in schools
along the current
with their flippers flapping
in quick succession
like the gears
of a well oiled machine

the fish too would scatter,
but without looking up

and then the tower would wonder,
about existence,
was it the humans who built it?
or was it the fish?

as the sun would set
the tower would head back
to paris
its metal pillars clanging on the paved road

if on its way
it accidentally stepped on a human
it would wonder
whether the human would be grateful
for being freed.

1 comment:

  1. Huha :)

    The first couple of lines, of course, gave me the wrong idea; not entirely sure if it wasn't intentional :D

    Loved the punch at the end: Getting a bit existential, are we now?
